Here's a great prompt that I used this weekend from Writing Pad's amazing writing teacher, Aaron Henne's, terrific new writing exercise book, "You Already Know."
Make a list of 5 things that you are thankful for in your life right now (one of mine was Adel's lemon blueberry streusel muffins that she made for our character class this weekend--they were delicious!). Fill a couple of pages with your thoughts about this. Also write about what is not working for you in your life right now. Allow yourself to get these things out on the page. It really does work to help you clear out what is getting in the way of your creativity!
After you've written for 10-15 minutes, open up the dictionary and pick a word. Write about whatever comes to mind all of the associations that you have on that word for another 10 minutes.
If you'd like to buy a copy of Aaron's book (it's great for writers of all genres), buy it here:
If you'd like to take class with Aaron, there is one spot left in his class that starts this week: