By Marilyn Friedman

It's been a chilly couple of days here in LA! Get cozy with your muse at Writing Pad in one of our wonderful February or March classes (see below for a full list). We'll help you light a fire under your burgeoning writing career and put the sizzle in your writing! You won't want to miss Meet Me Now, Squeeze Me Later: Crafting the Studio Romantic Comedy class tonight with Emmy award nominated writer Victor Levin and Memorable Memoir: Make Your True Tales Thrilling class this Sunday afternoon with Heather Havrilesky. There is only 1 spot left in those classes! Also, the deadline to sign up for the glorious Writing Pad Mountain Retreat (Mar. 9-11) has been extended. There are only 2 spots left!
•Meet Me Now, Squeeze Me Later: Crafting the Studio Romantic Comedy
•Memorable Memoir: Make Your True Tales Thrilling
•Writing Pad Mountain Retreat
Fiction, Memoir, Romance
•Memorable Memoir: Make Your True Tales Thrilling
•Boom! And The World Changed: Page One Of Your New Novel
•The Found Story: Finding Your Story In The Street
Journalism, Personal Essay and Web Writing
•Literary Feast: Writing A Culinary Masterpiece
•You in 1200 Words: Writing and Publishing The Personal Essay
Playwriting and Writing For Actors
•It's All About You: A One-Person Show Workshop
•From The Page To The Stage: Finish That One-Person Show
•Work The Room: Mastering The Power of The Pitch
Writing for Children and Young Adults
•From Bedtime Stories To Tales of Teenage Woe: Writing For Kids and YA
Writing Prompt: It's the day after Valentine's Day so I couldn't resist doing another fun love related writing prompt! Make a list of 3 pieces of dating advice that you have been given or pieces of advice that you have for others. Pick one and write for 10 minutes about it. For instance, you could write a story where someone doesn't follow this piece of advice and it comes back to bite him or her. Then, post your writing in the comments of this blog for the chance to win a free writing class. I'm going to write about this piece of advice:"Don't try to change someone that you are dating. It won't work."
Write about a piece of dating advice. Post your 10 minute write in the comments of this blog, and you could win a free class!

It's been a chilly couple of days here in LA! Get cozy with your muse at Writing Pad in one of our wonderful February or March classes (see below for a full list). We'll help you light a fire under your burgeoning writing career and put the sizzle in your writing! You won't want to miss Meet Me Now, Squeeze Me Later: Crafting the Studio Romantic Comedy class tonight with Emmy award nominated writer Victor Levin and Memorable Memoir: Make Your True Tales Thrilling class this Sunday afternoon with Heather Havrilesky. There is only 1 spot left in those classes! Also, the deadline to sign up for the glorious Writing Pad Mountain Retreat (Mar. 9-11) has been extended. There are only 2 spots left!
•Meet Me Now, Squeeze Me Later: Crafting the Studio Romantic Comedy
•Memorable Memoir: Make Your True Tales Thrilling
•Writing Pad Mountain Retreat
Fiction, Memoir, Romance
•Memorable Memoir: Make Your True Tales Thrilling
•Boom! And The World Changed: Page One Of Your New Novel
•The Found Story: Finding Your Story In The Street
Journalism, Personal Essay and Web Writing
•Literary Feast: Writing A Culinary Masterpiece
•You in 1200 Words: Writing and Publishing The Personal Essay
Playwriting and Writing For Actors
•It's All About You: A One-Person Show Workshop
•From The Page To The Stage: Finish That One-Person Show
•Work The Room: Mastering The Power of The Pitch
Writing for Children and Young Adults
•From Bedtime Stories To Tales of Teenage Woe: Writing For Kids and YA
Write about a piece of dating advice. Post your 10 minute write in the comments of this blog, and you could win a free class!
“So, I don’t think we should go out anymore,”
I rolled over onto my stomach, my thumb still pressing down the button on the black cordless phone.
“Honey? You in there? It’s time for dessert!” my mother shrilled, and pulled opened the closet door and the yellow light from the bathroom flooded in. I covered my eyes with my arms and put up the hood of my navy blue sweatshirt and yowled like a baboon, lower lip pulling down almost to my chin.
“Honey, what’s wrong? Who were you talking to?”
“Brian DUMPED meeeeee!”
“Oh honey! I told you not to call him back!”
I was thirteen. And I had just learned the first rule in dating, rule numero uno, that has been passed down from generation to generation: don’t call him back. Because he might be trying to dump you. And, maybe if you delay in calling back, he’ll find you fascinatingly mysterious and desirable and change his mind.
But now it was too late. Keeping my head covered with the sweatshirt hood, we walked back downstairs to the dining room where the dinner party was still carrying on.
My parent’s friends were feeling the buzz from their third glasses of wine, their eyes shining with the booze and platters of golden roasted chicken and mashed potatoes we had all just consumed. When they started telling stories of their own past loves gone wrong, I looked around the group of middle-aged, wide-hipped women and big bellied men and felt the weight of my inevitably pathetic future bearing down on me like a barge.
The next day my mother wouldn’t let me stay home from school.
“You’ve got to go in there with your head held high! Now go brush your hair and make sure you smile all day and he’ll see what a big mistake he’s made!”
Dating lesson number two: smile, even when you feel like crying.
And this time, I followed her advice and like a miracle, it worked. He called me that very night and apologized, saying he’d made a big mistake.
I’d learned enough dating lessons for a seventh-grader to know it was time to move on. I told him to forget it.
It's been a chilly couple of days here in LA! Get cozy with your muse at Writing Pad in one of our wonderful February or March classes (see below for a full list).
There is only 1 spot left in those classes! Also, the deadline to sign up for the glorious Writing Pad Mountain Retreat (Mar. 9-11) has been extended. Free Chat Rooms
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Get cozy with your muse at Writing Pad in one of our wonderful February or March classes (see below for a full list).
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